Our Projects /

Industry/Sector: Accounting, ERP
Our involvement: Integration, Backend and frontend development, UI/UX Design
Technologies: Vue.js, Python/Flask, MongoDB

Design and development of a standalone SaaS solution, integrated with the Odoo ERP platform which aims to automate invoicing management and declaration process for accountant experts.

Working with a certified, official Odoo ERP platform partner and a power user, we tackled a particular problem, related with invoicing management and declarations submission to tax authorities, by designing and implementing an automated solution to generate all needed information in downloadable files following file and content requirements on a monthly basis. This saved manual management of hundreds of records, while introducing data error and mismatching handling.

A clear, clutter-free entry point

The app is intended to be used by experts with different technology experience, which required the user interface to be as simple and clean as possible. We followed a principle to lead the user into a basic step-by-step wizard like experience, which solves not only the usability issue, but also any initial latency with retrieving complex data from the external data set API provider by narrowing down the needed data set with data filtering.

Grids.. grids everywhere!

As the core UI component of the application, and from experience with different grid systems in react, vue and other front end frameworks, we decided that we will build and grow a custom grid system, so we have full control over the functionality and look & feel.

File generation and processing

The final aim of the application is to help users prepare the needed data in order generate an output file with a standardized structure for automatic reading and approval. The app also supports importing external data files with a predefined structure, which would be then processed and converted in the same standardized file output. All file processing is done in our python based API service.

The app is already used by experts to eliminate the tedious process of manually preparing required tax declaration documents, with verifying and managing data without the hustle of handling back and forward numerous submission attempts.