Customer experience mobile app a customer experience application, evaluating customers opinion with a rating system and a questionnaire module.

Industry/Sector: Customer Experience, Social Media
Our involvement: UI/UX design exploration mobile app redesign case study is a customer experience application, evaluating customers opinion on a set of topics by a rating system, followed by a dynamic questionnaires as a set of questions scenarios. The application is used in different media channels, such as mobile, desktop, TV and paper distributions.

Our initiative to redesign the mobile app took us back to the drawing board, where we we started from the main concept, which the app should follow – provide a personal, conversational user journey experience.

The onboarding entry point

Starting from the onboarding journey, the UI is meant to follow a “first give, than require” concept – give a narrowed down topics by user interests, which sets the personal experience at the very beginning, while guiding the user to the main data objective of the app – the vote and opinion through a questionnaire.

The topic vote entry point

Either through the onboarding entry point, or through a direct topic landing, the voting scene is the core application screen. Slide with your finger, and you are done, knowing that you can always come back for more!

A vote based questionnaire

The questionnaire is then guiding the user in questions scenarios based on the actual vote and each given answer. No questionnaire can be the same! Nothing in the application is mandatory, so the journey can end whenever the user wants to.

Go down the voting rabbit hole!

With our developed recommendation engine, each topic owner has the ability to define a topics path, which will navigate the voter through a chain of topics to vote on and thus, narrow down the voter’s opinions in a parent-child relations, crucial for understanding each customer experience within a whole organization.

While voting on topics, the application is designed to learn each voter’s interests as a way to give the user as many topics to vote as possible in predefined user journeys.

Customer experience analytics dashboard

An end-to-end analytics & content management back-office application

Industry/Sector: Customer Experience, Social Media
Our involvement: Product Management, Backend and frontend development, UI/UX Design
Technologies: React.js, Redux, Node.js/express.js, PostgreSQL, Redis,, Jenkins Analytics Dashboard Case Study is a customer experience application, evaluating customers opinion on a set of topics by a rating system, followed by a dynamic questionnaires as a set of questions scenarios. The application is used in different media channels, such as mobile, desktop, TV and paper distributions.

We designed and developed an end-to-end analytics back-office application, enabling each business owner to break down and track their customers’ voting data, questionnaire results and demographics, along with content management modules and users & organization management for the whole application.

The system is split into two major sections – a client content management with data analytics dashboard and a users & organizations management

The analytics dashboard provides an overview of all active topics for the organization, in a structure, where the business owner can easily get a glance of the overall ratings and voters movement.

A powerful data analytics

The topic voters data analytics is the core of the whole platform. This is the space, where a business owner will analyze voters sentiments and application uses, can follow incoming votes in real time, break down votes by periods, volume and demographics.

Along with the voting data, the user has access to a Questionnaire analysis, with answers median and aggregations, vote score groups and demographics.

A Topics Builder

The system enables organization content creators to create and set up topics as a part of a user journey, so they can narrow down user opinion in the most suitable way for each scenario. Each topic can contain it’s own questionnaire, with dynamic questions structure, based on vote score groups.

Organizations & Users Management

The platform has it’s own users & organizations management, supporting different user roles, which define the level of user access and functions permissions throughout each organization.

We are proud to say, that our solution empowered to integrate with major enterprise organizations in the banking, commerce and media industry, enabling these clients to better understand their customers!